Friday, November 30, 2012

Track Your Healthy Eating Progress and Stay on Target With the "SuperTracker!"

I want to share an online resource that can help you stay healthier, track your progress and reach your nutrition goals! I absolutely love the SuperTracker website. Created by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), it allows you to sign up for free, make a profile and set up your own personalized plan! When you enter basic information such as your height, weight  and level of physical activity, it lets you know what your recommend daily calorie and food group intake is and provides tips to help you achieve those in a healthy way! You can also create a personal plan for physical activity if you are interested in that aspect of wellness. Here are some of the main things you can do with SuperTracker:

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  • "Food-A-Pedia"
    • This allows you to research nutrition information for over 8,000 different foods. You can even compare them side-by-side.
  • "Food Tracker"
    • This is my favorite part! Enter all of the foods you eat throughout the day, and track if you are on target with your daily calorie limit and suggested food group intake!
  • "My Weight Manager"
    • Learn what your healthy weight is, set a weight goal and get tips on how to reach it (or on how to maintain your current weight if you're already at your target.)
  • "My Top 5 Goals"
    • Set up your own personal goals based on what is important to you and receive assistance from your "virtual coach."
  • "My Reports"
    • Use these reports to track how well you are doing and if you are on course to meeting your goals!

I would absolutely recommend setting up a profile and checking it out! Even if you're already very healthy, it can be fun just to learn more about yourself, the foods you are eating, what your personal recommendations are and how you can do even better! I don't use this everyday, but I do enjoy taking advantage of the "Food Tracker," "Physical Activity Tracker" and "Food-A-Pedia" every once in a while. I seem to learn something new every time I do! 

Enjoy! Let me know what you think!

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Fitness Nutrition!

There seems to be many different different opinions on what should be consumed before, during and after  exercise. For reliable information on this topic, I did some research on the WebMB website. The article, "What to Eat Before, During, and After Exercise," includes content that comes from an interview conducted with Christine Rosenbloom, nutrition expert, PhD, RD, CSSD, author and nutrition professor at Georgia State University. It's a lengthy article, but it's full of great tips and information! I've summarized the main points in this post. Read the full article if you're interested in a more detailed explanation.

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What you should eat before a workout:

  • There are certain things your body needs for fuel in order to have energy and endurance required for healthy exercise. 
    • Those include quality carbohydrates for a fast source of energy, lean protein to help build and maintain muscle and keep blood cells healthy, heart-healthy fats and plenty of fluids.
  • In the morning, if you're doing light exercise (a brisk walk or a light jog) you may not need too much for fuel. If you're doing a heavier workout, good breakfast options include protein shakes, bananas or plain bagels.
  • Stay away from fried foods and soft drinks! 

What you should consume during a workout: 

  • LIQUIDS! This will not only improve your performance, but could also save your life in extreme situations.
    • "Water acts as your body's cooling system; without sufficient water during exercise your body temperature can reach dangerously high levels."
    • Drink about 2 cups of water before you exercise, and stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty with your meals.
  • Which is better: regular water or sports drinks? 
    • Water is great for hydration, but if you'll be exercising for a long period of time, (60 minutes or more) especially in the heat of the day, you might choose a sports drink instead. These include fluids, but also sodium, carbohydrates and potassium to keep your body going.

What you should consume after a workout: 

  • Protein! 
    • "Providing high-quality protein after exercise gives your muscles the fuel and building blocks needed for both repair and growth."
    • This can come from protein shakes, peanut butter, hard-boiled eggs, chocolate milk, or many other options!

I workout on a regular basis, so this information was very interesting and helpful! I hope it was for you as well. This was a small amount of what is in the full article. It also covers topics such as exercising on an empty stomach, how to choose the right sports drinks or protein shakes, healthy snacks for active children and more! Check it out if you're interested! :)

The World's Healthiest Countries

Have you ever wondered which country or culture has the healthiest food? The United States of America is definitely not on that list. According to an article from the Huffington Post, America has an obesity rate of 33.8%. This makes us the the fattest country in the world.

Which countries are the healthiest? The article, "Top 10 Countries with Healthy Food" provides an answer to that question! After doing a search of other sites, they all seemed to generally agree. I liked how this site set up their information the best. Here is how they compiled their list: "Taking the data on life expectancy and the level of obesity in different countries, we made a rating of the healthiest cuisines in the world, contributing to tight shape and longevity." I'll summarize the top 5 countries in this post, but I definitely recommend checking out the article for more information!

Important to note: This is not looking at exercise habits, health problems, pollution or other factors. The point of this list is to share the countries that have the healthiest diets, lowest obesity rates, and highest average life expectancy.

1. Japan
- On every site I reviewed, Japan ranked number 1.
- Obesity rate: Only 1.5%
- Diet: Their meals consist largely of vegetables including kale, broccoli and zucchini. They also consume fish and soy as their main source of protein.
- Other factors: To show that greediness is not a desired behavior, from childhood, Japanese are taught to leave the dinner table before they are completely full.

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2. Singapore 
Obesity rate: 1.8%
Diet: Their diet consists of 80% rice. Vegetable are also frequently consumed.
Other factors: When they get craving for sweet things, they satisfy those with fresh fruits or an original dish that has no added sugars.

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3. China
Obesity rate: 1.8%
Diet: "Basic diet is made up of various vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes." Spices such as ginger and garlic are also regularly used, which can help to speed up metabolic rate.
Other factors: Their quick methods of cooking often keep vitamins and minerals inside the foods for consumption.

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4. Sweden:
Obesity rate: 11%
Diet: Their regular diet consists of dairy products, brown bread, fish, and berries. Calcium helps the body burn fat, fiber-rich bread and berries contain many healthy antioxidants and fish such as salmon are a great source of protein and good for your heart.

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5. France
Obesity rate: 6.6%
Diet: Although France is often known for their love of cheese and chocolate, the amount of calories they consume makes up for that. Portions served at main meals are extremely small, so the body does not consume excess calories.
Other factors: They often use healthy methods of cooking, such as baking or stewing.

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Those are the top 5 countries with the healthiest food! Check out the article for the full list. I was really excited to read that the top countries include Japan, Singapore and China. Next semester, when I study abroad with Semester at Sea, those are actually three of the countries I will be going to! I can't wait to try out some of the food!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Keep Your Heart Happy and Healthy With These Food Choices!

Your heart is one of the most vital organs in your body. It's important to make smart decisions that can help you protect it and keep it as healthy as possible! Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, healthy-fats and other antioxidants are great for your heart. They can help to significantly bring down your cholesterol levels and lower your risk of heart attack, stroke, and disease. Making little changes in your diet can make a big difference and help make sure you stay alive and healthy in the long run.

This is is a list of some of the top foods for your heart compiled with information from "10 Best Foods for Your Heart" from the Health magazine website and "Top Foods for Healthy Heart" from the website for the Academy of Dietetics and Nutrition.

1. Oatmeal

  • This was number 1 on both lists. It is full of potassium, omega-3 fatty acids and folate. It also contains a certain type of soluble fiber, beta glucan, that can assist lowering in your blood sugar and help keep it at a normal and regular level. It can also bring down cholesterol levels and clear your arteries. 
  • According to the article from the Health magazine website, you should aim for about 3 grams of soluble fiber a day, which adds up to about 1 1/2 cups of oatmeal. 
  • As I mentioned in a previous post about the importance of breakfast, every morning I start off my day with a bowl of oatmeal! After doing this research, it's great to know I am doing something positive for my health and my heart.

2. Salmon
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  • Salmon is rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids. According to registered dietitian at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Marisa Moore, omega-3's can "lower triglyceride levels, reduce the risk of blood clots, reduce the overall risks for heart attacks, and lower blood pressure levels."
  • Salmon also contains a powerful antioxidant, carotenoid astaxanthin. 
  • If you're not a fan of salmon, other fish such as tuna, mackerel  and herring can also provide these beneficial omega-3's.

3. Avocados
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  • Avocados can help you get many healthy fats into your system and also lower bad (LDL) cholesterol levels. For information on the good and bad types of cholesterol, read this article.
  • They also provide you with beta-carotene, a great source of Vitamin A. 
  • I love avocados. Try adding some to your next spinach salad or turkey sandwich!

4. Spinach
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  • Spinach helps to lower LDL cholesterol levels and is also rich in potassium, which can bring down blood pressure levels. 
  • Spinach is a low calorie food packed with fiber, which can make you feel full faster. According to the article from the Academy of Dietetics and Nutrition, "This makes it an important ally in the war against excess weight that ups your chances of heart disease."
  • I love spinach salads, and try to eat one everyday. If you aren't a fan of salad, try adding some spinach to a sandwich instead of using regular lettuce.

5. Nuts
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  • Walnuts are full of omega-3 fatty acids. If you don't eat fish, this can be a great source for you!
  • They contain healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Macadamia nuts and almonds are also a great source of these heart healthy fats that can help bring down LDL cholesterol levels in your body.
  • Try eating nuts for a light afternoon snack or adding walnuts to a bowl of oatmeal in the morning. Just watch how much you eat! Nuts are a high-calorie food and it can be easy to consume too much if you're not careful.

6. Berries
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  • Almost any kind of berry is rich in antioxidants that act as anti-inflammatories that reduce your risk of heart disease. 
  • According to online article from Health magazine, blueberries and blackberries are the best choices, but all berries can help keep your heart healthy.
  • If you start out your day with a bowl of oatmeal, you can add a few blueberries and walnuts on top and knock out three of these heart healthy foods in one meal! I think berries also make a great afternoon snack.

These are some of the top foods out of the many that can help keep your heart healthy. For a more complete list, read the articles linked above. In addition, "25 Heart Healthy Foods" from Web MD provides a larger list with short explanations for each food! Check it out if you're interested! :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How Did You Stay Healthy Over Thanksgiving?

Hey guys!

I wanted to do more of an interactive post this week! I'm interested to see what steps, if any, you took over Thanksgiving break in order to make healthier eating choices. I hope you tried out some of the tips from my previous podcast or maybe came up with some ideas of your own. There are several specific steps I took over break to stay healthier!

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1. I only drank water.

- I haven't had pop in several years, but I usually enjoy making punch or other sugary and fun drinks over the holidays. This Thanksgiving, I decided to try and drink only water. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, and I felt really great doing it! Some of the water was vitamin zero water, which added a little variety. :)

2. I stopped when I was full.

- This probably would have been a lot harder if we would've had a big Thanksgiving get-together with a lot of people and food, but this year it was just my family spending time together. We made a Thanksgiving meal for only the five of us. There was still plenty of food and we had leftovers for days, but I made a strong effort not to eat too much and stop when I felt satisfied.

3. I ate less sweets.

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- I love pie! My family had pumpkin and chocolate cream pie for Thanksgiving. I chose to only have one piece instead of one of each. This wasn't easy, but it just feels good knowing you're doing something great for your body.

4. I ate a healthy breakfast and went for a run on Thanksgiving morning.

- I knew I would probably be eating more than I do on a normal day, so I started off with a protein-packed breakfast and then went on a run with my dad to burn off some calories before our big meal! I already normally exercise, but this was a longer and harder workout. This actually motivated me to make healthier eating choices throughout the day. I didn't want to be unhealthy and ruin what I had started!

5. I suggested healthier substitutions/alternatives for ingredients in our usual recipes. 

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- My mom always makes a delicious seven-layer salad. I convinced her to use spinach instead of iceberg lettuce and light mayonnaise instead of regular.
- We usually make creamed corn, but I suggested eating regular corn on the cob!

None of these were very big or dramatic changes, but the little things can really add up! I honestly feel like I stayed pretty healthy over Thanksgiving. It's a great feeling! Please feel free to comment and share what you did to stay healthier. If you didn't do anything, talk about what you should have or could have done or what you will do for the upcoming Christmas holiday!


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Check Out These Nutrition and Health Magazines!


Hey everyone!

It is very easy to find information regarding health and nutrition online, but sometimes I think it can be fun to buy a magazine and actually have some physical material to read and enjoy! There are plenty of great nutrition magazines out there, and I want to take the opportunity to share a few with you. Most of these are nutrition specific, but the last 4 include articles about other interesting health information as well. I threw one in there for the men that might happen to be reading my blog too!

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Out of all of these, my two favorites are Eating Well and Women's Health. If you're unsure of which to try, I would definitely recommend one of those two! I hope you'll be inspired to pick one up the next time you're out grocery shopping. Most magazines now have their holiday editions available, so you can use a new issue to help you try some of the tips I mentioned in my previous podcast! Each of these magazines also have their own website if you feel like checking them out!

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone! :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

10 Tips to Help You Stay Healthy this Holiday Season!

Hey guys!

I made a podcast this week that includes 10 tips to help you stay healthy this holiday season. If you're anything like me, this can be challenging at times. My hope is that you'll find these tips interesting and informative, and that you'll be inspired to try out a couple of them this year! Maybe you'll even come up with some ideas of your own after listening. Enjoy! :)


Articles I used to help compile my list:
"Healthy recipes: A guide to ingredient substitutions"
"Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating"
"10 Tips for Staying Healthy During the Holidays"

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Can Pinterest Help You Make Healthier Choices?

I've been reading some interesting articles lately that say following certain boards and accounts on Pinterest can actually help you make healthier food choices in your life.

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Pinterest can be used for many reasons, and you can create and follow a wide variety of boards. One of the popular ways people use Pinterest is to search for delicious and mouth watering recipes. It is a lot more enjoyable and visually appealing than getting an old recipe from those stacks of recipe cards that you've had sitting around forever. According to the article "Can Pinterest Help You Make Healthier Choices?" from Syracuse University's School of Information Studies Website, "It is said that 'we eat with our eyes as well as our taste buds and tummies', so when a healthy fare is visually appealing, it can help you get excited about eating well and saying on track." Whether you know it or not, Pinterest might be having an effect on what you choose to make for dinner! 

Nutritious eating is not the only aspect of a healthy lifestyle that Pinterest can positively impact. There are many boards to follow that give great workout ideas and can inspire you to exercise more frequently. In addition, read the article ""How Pinterest Can Help You Lose Weight" to find out how just laughing at some of the pins found on Pinterest can help increase your wellness.

I love using Pinterest to help me find healthy recipes to make or new workouts to try. I even have my own boards for "Healthy Recipes," "Healthier Desserts," and "Health and Fitness Ideas." Feel free to check them out! Of course, I have not made every single recipe on my boards, but here are some I have tried that I would definitely recommend. All photos came from the linked sites below the photos. The links also contain the recipes!

"Warm Pasta Salad With Shrimp"

"Green Goddess Grilled Cheese Sandwich"

"Peanut Butter Yogurt Dip" 

"Cranberry and Avocado Salad"

"Five-Minute (Healthy) Chunky Monkey Ice Cream"

If you're looking for some healthy food boards to follow, I personally follow "The Healthy Foodie" and have really enjoyed all of her boards. Check out the articles "25 Healthy Pinterest Boards to Follow" and "10 Awesome Healthy Food Boards You Should Be Following On Pinterest!" for other ideas!

I hope this has inspired you to start using Pinterest to look for healthy food options! If you don't have Pinterest, I hope it has inspired you to get an account! Remember, there are also plenty of unhealthy options floating around out there on Pinterest, so be sure to follow the right boards! :)