Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How Did You Stay Healthy Over Thanksgiving?

Hey guys!

I wanted to do more of an interactive post this week! I'm interested to see what steps, if any, you took over Thanksgiving break in order to make healthier eating choices. I hope you tried out some of the tips from my previous podcast or maybe came up with some ideas of your own. There are several specific steps I took over break to stay healthier!

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1. I only drank water.

- I haven't had pop in several years, but I usually enjoy making punch or other sugary and fun drinks over the holidays. This Thanksgiving, I decided to try and drink only water. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, and I felt really great doing it! Some of the water was vitamin zero water, which added a little variety. :)

2. I stopped when I was full.

- This probably would have been a lot harder if we would've had a big Thanksgiving get-together with a lot of people and food, but this year it was just my family spending time together. We made a Thanksgiving meal for only the five of us. There was still plenty of food and we had leftovers for days, but I made a strong effort not to eat too much and stop when I felt satisfied.

3. I ate less sweets.

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- I love pie! My family had pumpkin and chocolate cream pie for Thanksgiving. I chose to only have one piece instead of one of each. This wasn't easy, but it just feels good knowing you're doing something great for your body.

4. I ate a healthy breakfast and went for a run on Thanksgiving morning.

- I knew I would probably be eating more than I do on a normal day, so I started off with a protein-packed breakfast and then went on a run with my dad to burn off some calories before our big meal! I already normally exercise, but this was a longer and harder workout. This actually motivated me to make healthier eating choices throughout the day. I didn't want to be unhealthy and ruin what I had started!

5. I suggested healthier substitutions/alternatives for ingredients in our usual recipes. 

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- My mom always makes a delicious seven-layer salad. I convinced her to use spinach instead of iceberg lettuce and light mayonnaise instead of regular.
- We usually make creamed corn, but I suggested eating regular corn on the cob!

None of these were very big or dramatic changes, but the little things can really add up! I honestly feel like I stayed pretty healthy over Thanksgiving. It's a great feeling! Please feel free to comment and share what you did to stay healthier. If you didn't do anything, talk about what you should have or could have done or what you will do for the upcoming Christmas holiday!



  1. I only had one plateful for Thanksgiving! That is probably the only year I can say that. Usually we have desert a couple of hours after our meal, but I was so full that I couldn't ear a piece of pie until late that night. As usual, my family and I went on a walk shortly after our meal. I also worked out the night before. I would say it was pretty successful for me!

    1. Way to go! It can be so hard to be healthy with all of that delicious food just sitting there! Haha. That's awesome that your family goes on a walk together on Thanksgiving evening!

  2. What dedication you have! I have gotten into a bad habit of drinking pop when im stressed and I really need to stop. On another note, I really like your background its so unusual and fits your theme.

    1. Thanks for checking out my blog! :) Drinking pop can be a really hard habit to break. I used to drink Dr. Pepper all the time, but a few years ago I gave it up for lent and just never drank it again. It is possible to do! Haha.

  3. I had a lot of bad habbits on thanksgiving because i wen back for seconds, but this was also because i knew i had to work and i knew i would burn off the calories.

    1. Haha it's okay! At least you know you can work on it next time! And yes, working out does help balance that out!

  4. I did NOT stay healthy over Thanksgiving. I love the holidays too much to eat healthy! (:

    1. Haha it can be so hard, I agree! And really, sometimes it is just fine to indulge. Being healthy all of the time is kind of impossible!

  5. I'm guilty as charged...Cate I couldn't agree with you more!!! LOL. Probably the only thing I did that was good for me was I always "stop" when I'm full and then I of course ran around on Black Friday shopping...which I know burned some calories...lol :)

    1. That's alright! Honestly, I feel like I might have went a little overboard with trying to stay healthy. If I hadn't been planning on doing a post about it, I probably wouldn't have payed attention to it as much as I did!
