Friday, November 30, 2012

Fitness Nutrition!

There seems to be many different different opinions on what should be consumed before, during and after  exercise. For reliable information on this topic, I did some research on the WebMB website. The article, "What to Eat Before, During, and After Exercise," includes content that comes from an interview conducted with Christine Rosenbloom, nutrition expert, PhD, RD, CSSD, author and nutrition professor at Georgia State University. It's a lengthy article, but it's full of great tips and information! I've summarized the main points in this post. Read the full article if you're interested in a more detailed explanation.

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What you should eat before a workout:

  • There are certain things your body needs for fuel in order to have energy and endurance required for healthy exercise. 
    • Those include quality carbohydrates for a fast source of energy, lean protein to help build and maintain muscle and keep blood cells healthy, heart-healthy fats and plenty of fluids.
  • In the morning, if you're doing light exercise (a brisk walk or a light jog) you may not need too much for fuel. If you're doing a heavier workout, good breakfast options include protein shakes, bananas or plain bagels.
  • Stay away from fried foods and soft drinks! 

What you should consume during a workout: 

  • LIQUIDS! This will not only improve your performance, but could also save your life in extreme situations.
    • "Water acts as your body's cooling system; without sufficient water during exercise your body temperature can reach dangerously high levels."
    • Drink about 2 cups of water before you exercise, and stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty with your meals.
  • Which is better: regular water or sports drinks? 
    • Water is great for hydration, but if you'll be exercising for a long period of time, (60 minutes or more) especially in the heat of the day, you might choose a sports drink instead. These include fluids, but also sodium, carbohydrates and potassium to keep your body going.

What you should consume after a workout: 

  • Protein! 
    • "Providing high-quality protein after exercise gives your muscles the fuel and building blocks needed for both repair and growth."
    • This can come from protein shakes, peanut butter, hard-boiled eggs, chocolate milk, or many other options!

I workout on a regular basis, so this information was very interesting and helpful! I hope it was for you as well. This was a small amount of what is in the full article. It also covers topics such as exercising on an empty stomach, how to choose the right sports drinks or protein shakes, healthy snacks for active children and more! Check it out if you're interested! :)


  1. These are some great tips! I remember one time I planned to work out by running my usual four miles without eating breakfast. I had to stop at two because I just didn't have enough energy to run. Now I know I need something in my stomach but not a lot of food to run.

    1. Oh man I've tried to do that before too! It's definitely not a fun experience. I don't remember how far I ran, but I actually felt sick for the entire day after that. It was not a good thing to do to my body. Glad this post helped you!

  2. These are some great tips Emily, the only thing i want to know is should a person have protein after each workout because i hurt to much protein is not good for anyone.

    1. Thanks Brian! I'm not sure about if someone can eat too much protein. That's something that I have never heard before. I'm sure it's possible to get almost too much of everything if you're not careful. I did a little research and found this article, It looks like you just need to be sure to be consuming everything else your body needs, and not only protein!

    2. Thank you Emily, for finding more information for me because every little bit helps for me on staying healthy so i can live longer.

  3. When I am training for a marathon, I would always eat peanut butter before bed the night before a long run and then a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on toast the morning of. Natural protein and sugars are the best when working out. Great post!

    1. I didn't know you run marathons! That's awesome. I wish I could run that much, but the most I've done at once is about 4 miles. And a agree, I love eating peanut butter before and after I work out as well!

  4. Emily I'm so glad yo posted this information...I'm always trying to instil a healthy body image to my dance students. I think some of them get the wrong idea about exercise and what you should eat. I think some people think they should stop eating certain things to benefit their body but in fact it does the opposite. Will have to share this with my students to reinforce proteins, carbohydrates,and liquids and how important they are!

    1. I'm glad this helped you! There are so many different opinions out there, but many times those are not backed up with facts! I'm glad I could find a very reliable source. I hope you do share it with your students!
