Monday, October 22, 2012

Results Of My Juice Cleanse!

Hey everyone!

My juice cleanse definitely did not go as planned. I won't say too much because I would really like you to watch the video! I made a short video during each day of the cleanse and then put them all together into one. I know it's a bit lengthy, but if you are at all interested in this topic I think that you'll find it enjoyable and informative. I learned a lot during this process, and I hope watching this video will teach you something new as well! Please feel free to ask me any questions that you may have.



  1. Wow Emily! That's really scary. You have a great roommate for taking care of you. I'm really glad I got to see your videos because I was so interested in doing this cleanse. If I do decide to go through with it I will talk to my doctor and only do it for 3-4 days. I'm really glad you are okay :) By the way, that was great a great video. It sounded great and looked good too!

  2. Thanks for watching it Kara! I do have an amazing roommate. I honestly am not sure what I would have done if she hadn't helped me out. I'm glad this video helped you out! I'm sorry it was a bit long. And yes I would definitely say to talk to your doctor first. :) I don't want to scare you away from doing a juice cleanse, just don't be stupid like I was!

  3. Just to prove that I helped you out I though I would comment. So was all of this just for a nutrition class? Why did you decide to do a juice cleanse?

  4. Thanks so much! You're the first person not in my class to comment. :) This isn't a nutrition class, it's a mass media course, but one of our assignments was to make a blog that we update throughout the semester. I just chose to make mine over nutrition! So no, the cleanse was not specifically for the class. I've always just wanted to try one, but it ended up working out really good for this blog too. :)

  5. Not in your blog group, but thought that this was a great idea (well, not the part of you getting sick), but of documenting your experiences through the video. Glad you're feeling better now!

    1. Thank you Israel! Yeah the getting sick part was not so fun. Ha-ha. Thanks for checking out my blog! I'll have to look at yours as well. :)

  6. I agree with Israel, this was a great idea to post. I've been wanting to go on a 7 day juicing for like a year but kept getting sick so put it off. Then the other day I thought maybe if I started juicing I would actually get better (to build my immune system). Was going to just jump into a full fledge juicing soon but glad I saw this video first! I will be sure to see my dr first and take it slow! Thank you for sharing.

    1. I'm so glad I could help you out! I would DEFINITELY say to talk to your doctor first! Let me know if you end up going on a cleanse! It would be fun to see what you do differently. I'm sure if you get some advice first you most likely won't end up in the ER. :)

  7. Wow kinda scary!! Glad you are well now. But made for two excellent posts between the podcast and the video...nice job :)

    1. Haha thanks! It was pretty scary, but I can kind of look back on it and laugh now. :)
